Schulung - AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders
- Live Online oder Präsenz
2.374,05 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Day 1
Module 0: Couse Overview
- Course introduction
Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Financial Management
- Introduction to Cloud Financial Management
- Four pillars of Cloud Financial Management
Module 2: Resource Tagging
- Tagging resources
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Control Resource Consumption Using Tagging and AWS Config
Module 3: Pricing and Cost
- Fundamentals of pricing
- AWS Free Tier
- Volume discounts
- Savings plans and Reserved Instances
- Demonstration: AWS Pricing Calculator
Module 4: AWS Billing, Reporting, and Monitoring
- Understanding AWS invoices
- Reporting and planning
- AWS Cost Explorer
- AWS Budgets
- Demonstration: AWS Billing Console
- Demonstration: AWS Cost Explorer
- Demonstration: Trusted Advisor
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Deploy Ephemeral Environments Using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
Day 2
Module 5: Architecting for Cost: Compute
- Evolution of compute efficiency
- Amazon EC2 right-sizing
- Purchasing options
- Architect for Amazon EC2 Spot Instance
- Impact of software licensing
- Demonstration: Compute Optimizer
- Demonstration: Spot Instance Advisor
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Right Size Amazon EC2 Instances Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics
Module 6: Architecting for Cost: Networking
- Data transfer costs
- Understand data costs for different services
- How to triage network costs
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce Data Transfer Costs Using Amazon CloudFront and Endpoints
Day 3
Module 7: Architecting for Cost: Storage
- Amazon EBS cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon S3 cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon EFS cost, pricing, and best practices
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce Storage Costs Using Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management
Module 8: Architecting for Cost: Databases
- Amazon RDS cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon Aurora cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon DynamoDB cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon ElastiCache cost, pricing, and best practices
- Amazon Redshift cost, pricing, and best practices
Module 9: Cost Governance
- Setting up AWS Organizations
- AWS Systems Manager
Module 10: Course Summary
- Course review
- Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce Compute Costs Using AWS Instance Scheduler
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is intended for:
- Solutions architects
- Developers
- Cost-optimization leads
- System administrators
- Cloud savvy technical learners who need to understand building and operating cost-efficient architectures.
We recommend that attendees of this course have:
- 'Architecting on AWS' classroom training
Unterlagen in Englisch
Weitere Informationen
- 1.995,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeWählen Sie eine SitzungFast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbHGasstr. 4 a22761 Hamburg
- 1.995,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeWählen Sie eine SitzungFast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbHGasstr. 4 a22761 Hamburg
- 1.995,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeWählen Sie eine Sitzungonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 1.995,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeWählen Sie eine Sitzungonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 1.995,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeWählen Sie eine Sitzungonline TrainingLive Online Training
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