Managed Training Services by Cegos Integrata

Managed Training Services mit Integrata Cegos


Outsourcing your training programme and training organisation successfully

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Training processes are multi-layered and highly complex: organising and steering them, mastering the logistics like keeping an eye on scheduling and invoicing requires a great deal of know-how – and resources for administration, project management, technology and much more.
If you wish to design your qualification offer so that it is flexible and scalable, or if you have to deal with several training providers, the time and capital investment increases by leaps and bounds.
Therefore, many organisations have in the meantime recognised the potential of Managed Training Services (MTS) and have outsourced their Learning and Development. By doing so, the HR staff are able to focus on their core tasks.

MTS allows you to profit from

  • Training courses with greater quality
  • Topical contents and learning offers
  • Higher usage rates for learning offers
  • International trainer and supplier pools
  • A harmonised portfolio
  • Consolidated supplier relations
  • Easy scalability of the offer
  • Free resources for strategic questions
  • Few friction losses and low technology costs

Judith Spick, Director of Business Development

Why should a company outsource its training programme?

There are primarily three reasons which we consider particularly relevant to the successful outsourcing of training services: headcount reduction in HR, supplier consolidation which results in an optimisation of the purchasing processes, and portfolio consolidation.
We, as your business partner for Managed Training Services, are optimally prepared to support you in these matters because we rely on a proven process model.


Judith Spick, Director of Business Development

Managed Training Services – a brief orientation to manoeuvre through a diversity of terms

  • Managed Services Provider (MSP)
  • L&D Services
  • Training Process Outsourcing (TPO)
  • Learning Administration Services (LAS)

All these terms basically mean the same thing: companies outsource the entire organisation of their training programmes. Personnel Development is more professional, and there is a central contact person who coordinates all the relevant efforts.

We believe the term “Managed Training Services“ fits the bill.

Managed Training Services from the Market Leader

Your requirements are unique. Our Managed Training Services are, too.

With us as your training provider you have access to approximately 1,200 seminar topics as a public or inhouse offer in Germany and over 5,500 seminar topics in 25 countries worldwide, twelve of which also have a local offer of public seminars. In addition you have access to all the current training formats: virtual and face-to-face, hybrid, blended and e-learning – and every format in up to 20 languages worldwide.

We are at your disposal to organise training courses across country, language and cultural borders. We harmonise your international training projects by means of globally and locally adapted offers and take charge of the international vendor management.

Whether as part of a long-term cooperation or a temporary roll-out project: your company can profit from our decades of experience acquired in over 100 MTS projects.

Outsourcing with Complete Flexibility

Every training measure is imbedded in a strategic and administrative ecosystem made up of many very different tasks and services. Therefore, our Managed Training Services have been conceived as a module system. In this way, you can select those elements which suit your purposes best – and at the same time remain flexible and scalable:

  • Learning strategy
  • Competence and needs analysis
  • Portfolio management and content curation
  • Provision, maintenance and further development of your training catalogue
  • Supplier management (tail spend management)
  • Consulting, conception, implementation and operation of a Learning Management Systems (LMS) and/or a customer booking portal
  • Development of smart media and documentation
  • Internal and external communication Management of the participants
  • Training facilities and logistics
  • Planning and execution of events
  • Billing, reporting and feedback

In order to facilitate your choice of possible services, we have developed three compatible service packages:

Three Outsourcing Models to Meet Every Requirement:

As a Neutral Vendor, we assume responsibility for the organisation of your training courses. As a Master Vendor, we also help you with the portfolio planning and supplier optimisation. As a Master Service Provider, we are your strategic partner who consults and supports you in all qualification issues.


Excellence in Managed Training Services

We have been distinguished many times over for the excellence of our individualised service offer. In addition, our processes are certified according to ISO and have been tried and tested in countless projects. And we have also distinguished ourselves beyond the classic performance parameters: Our corporate social responsibility was awarded the bronze medal by Ecovadis.

Prize-winning Managed Training Services


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